Managing Business Risk – Maximizing Business Returns
In today’s volatile business environment, organizations face a wide array of complex business risks. These risks come in the form of many issues: regulatory compliance, litigation, competitive market pressures, changing technology, investor demands, corporate governance, business ethics and accountability. India’s integration into the global markets has brought with it additional challenges of world class quality and optimum productivity and efficiency.
How you manage these risks is critical to the future of your organization.
DKP Management Assurance Services
We assist your organization to effectively manage business risks by providing a full spectrum of corporate governance; risk management and internal audit services. These services, tailored to meet your individual needs and provide effective support to management in meeting the challenges and opportunities presented by today’s complex business environment.
Our services enable you to effectively co-ordinate your key growth, quality and operational challenges and working in partnership with us, you have the benefits of DKP experienced, objective and industry-grounded viewpoint.
DKP’s Management Assurance Services offers a wide range of tailored services and products to enhance corporate governance, manage business risk; provide assurance on control effectiveness and support you in achieving your organization’s objectives.
DKP has a team of highly professional qualified Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Advocates and other professionals for providing tailor made, value added and focused audit services.
DKP audit approach focus is control on key business processes rather than controls on individual business transactions or business units .Our approach results in a broader audit scope that examines both financial and operational performance, reduces audit gaps and duplication, facilitates benchmarking, and leverages leading practices. Our audit process leverages in-depth knowledge of industry-specific business processes along with the most up-to-date benchmarking and leading practice information.